Halloween this year was very special to us – it was the first year we’ve ever run out of candy!!! Last year, we closed on the house at the beginning of October (the first morning in our new home was actually my birthday!) and we used the holiday as a way for our new neighbors […]
An Apology and A Series of [Fill in the Blank Here] Events
All, I’m Back!! I apologize for not posting in over a month! Life threw me a big handful of curveballs which I was not able to catch nor juggle all at once. Some medical things, some house project things, some family special events, and some house cleaning for holiday guest things cropped up which had […]
So You Are a Stay At-Home Wife? You Must Love Not Having To Work!
Have you ever heard this and just wanted to strangle the person? I know, I know, until just recently, I was in the same boat as “that person”. While I knew that stay at-home spouses did a lot of the work, it wasn’t until I became one that my husband and I realized how much […]
It’s Back!!! My Smartphone Has Been Restored Unto Me!!
This past weekend my smartphone pooped out on me. I was out of town during this travesty. The screen just went dark and I couldn’t access anything. All of my internet access (while on a trip)…GONE. All of my Blog notes that I’d written while in the airport…GONE. All of my navigation ability (out of […]
Our New Food Processor Arrived!
I am sooo excited about this thing. I’ve never owned one (my Mom has one, but I don’t recall her using it since elementary school), but a LOT of the recipes I want to try all mention using one. So when folks gave us monetary gifts for our ‘public’ wedding (we eloped last year to […]
Garden Project – Taking Back Our Hedges
This is more of a pictorial step-by-step of some work I did recently in the garden. It is pretty atrocious – the house was left vacant for about 14 months before we closed on the sale and then we just weren’t able to get to it when we moved in right away. So 26 months […]